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Stacy A. Boggs

46 Rose Rd.  Clearfield, KY 40313


To find a career that allows me to explore ideas and be creative in the advertising/public relations market


Cashier at Wal-Mart(10/30/04-4/18/05)
As a cashier at Wal-Mart I have enhanced my skills and formed a better understanding and a higher level of communication between myself and the diverse groups of people that shop there.

Office Assistant at Morehead State University(6/1/02-7/30/02) (10/1/04-Current) 
Working with the Talent Search and Communications/Theatre Departments on campus it has allowed me to learn more about my area of study as well as enhance my office skills and be in charge of meeting deadlines.

Customer Service Represenative for Cingular Wireless(1/1/03-1/1/04)
As a customer service represenative I was able to put myself into others perspectives and deal with situations.  I was in charge of coming up with solutions to keep customers happy and continuing.